Monday, April 29, 2013

#55 Make an Indulgence List

Did you know that just by thinking of the things you enjoy makes you happier?  Take a moment from your crazy day and jot down a few of the things that you like.  Whether they be expensive indulgences (like a trip to the SPA) or little things that make a BIG difference (a cold glass of coconut water filled with pulp!).

This list will not only make you FEEL better, it will also come in handy.  Have you ever been in the position where someone asks what it is you would like (for your birthday, Christmas, Mother's Day etc.) and you draw a blank?  This is when you can quietly go away and refer to your indulgence list/pick me-up list/what-ever you wish to call it list. 

Now that you have a list be sure to take a look at it every now and then and ask yourself  when the last time was that you did "such and such" or enjoyed "such and such".  If it has been a while, you know that you are over-due. 

Be good to yourself -  go grab that blank piece of paper and start writing!

Image courtesy of nuttakit/

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