Wednesday, April 24, 2013

#53 Be Mindless

Harvesting Garlic Scapes - a mindless but productive activity!

Be mindless for a while.  Find an activity that is mindless, but productive.  It may involve a repetitive action, like knitting, or perhaps even painting boards (we live on a farm so lots of those needing doing!).  You will find that you will immediately relax when engaging in such tasks.  Did you know that repetitive tasks are known to lower blood pressure?

While being "mindless" you are actually being mindful. Sound like a contradiction?  Your mind will likely switch off your worries, duties, and stresses and these mindless tasks will actually enable your mind to focus on the moment you are in.

What kind of activities do you enjoy doing when you just want to "zone out"?

Here are a few more ideas:

Building towers with your children.  Better yet, sandcastles in the summer!
Spend 10 minutes a day on a crossword or word find puzzle.
Helping out a charity with sorting and packing.
Grooming your dog, horse, or...
Playing catch
Shooting hoops
Raking leaves
Folding the laundry
Washing dishes in warm sudsy water
Weeding your garden

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