Friday, November 15, 2013

#72 Meditate


A short ten minute meditation session has the potential to recharge you, and refocus you.  My challenge has always been how to do this when I have the children with me. The solution?  I no longer attempt it until I know that I have some time alone, even if it is just five minutes.

I have always had a mental block towards the thought of meditation because my mind is one that is constantly racing, completing one thing and then on to the next thing in my cerebral ``in-bin`.  The thought of even trying to be still physically for a few minutes, not to mention mentally, has been daunting.  I will have to continue to make an effort to make it a priority.  I still struggle, but it has not been long -   I will let you know how it goes!

Here is a simple mediation for you to try:

  •   Lie on your bed, put a fan on, some soothing music, or white noise.
  • Open your window for a slight breeze
  •  (optional) Hang your head slightly over the edge of the bed, breathe in - breathe out.
  •   Lay your arms by your side with the palms of your hands facing upwards
  •  Wriggle your toes, your fingers, what do they feel like?
  •  Focus on your long deep breaths - be present in the moment
  • When your thoughts wander bring your focus back to your breathing and your body feeling.

For those of you in the Victoria area I have recently learned of a new group, Mindful Mamas, that hosts a weekly drop-in meditation session for moms of all ages (Grandmas included!):

Check out their website at

Just a note:  I haven`t been yet to the drop-in (above), but hope to soon.  I can say this:  After our loss of our first little soul and surgery for that pregnancy loss, I went to Elements of Health for acupuncture and was treated by Stephanie Curran who I attribute to helping me tremendously through the physical healing as well as the grieving process.

Today`s Quote:

“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”   - Thích Nhất Hạnh

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